Celebrating 4 Years on the CBC News Network Weekend Business Panel (August, 2021)

Gratefully celebrating four years of regular appearances on the CBC News Network Weekend Business Panel, broadcast nationally and streaming globally!  Our panel reviews the week in business every Saturday morning after the 10 AM news (Eastern Time), discussing a wide range of topics, including breaking news, on the fly.  Here’s just a sample of topics upon which I’ve provided commentary over the past four years:

COVID-19 has resulted in those in the media continuing to report from their home studios, and I have not been in studio since March, 2020.  In the meantime, CBC News Network has been streaming globally, bringing our work to a new and broader range of viewers.

The collage photo for this post includes a throwback to some in studio times, while we all continue to do our best to stay safe and informed (as the “hair and makeup” room takes on a remote life of its own).  Sincere thanks to everyone at CBC News Network and our audience for watching; I am grateful to do my part in bringing the news to you!


Jenifer Bartman
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