
This series, delivered through CPA Canada, has attracted almost 10,000 participants thus far from Canada, the US, and beyond.

Financing Options for Early Stage Companies

Financing Options for Early Stage Companies

Despite the fact that raising capital is integral to the growth and development of a young company, early stage financing is typically not well understood by entrepreneurs. Learn what attracts early stage investors, as well as typical investor types, investment structures, expectations of early stage investors, and tips for preparing to seek capital.

How to Build a Business Model That Appeals to Early Stage Investors

How to Build a Business Model That Appeals to Early Stage Investors

When it comes to raising capital, many entrepreneurs have difficulty getting investors to “write the cheque”. The business model concept and how it impacts a company’s strategy, planning, and process of raising capital are often not well understood. Learn how to build a business model that fits well with the needs and expectations of early stage investors, and why a sound business model is so critical for success.

Putting Together an Investor Ready Pitch Presentation

Putting Together an Investor Ready Pitch Presentation

Presenting a business concept to an investor is an important part of raising capital. Many entrepreneurs do not do this well, due to a lack of business model development, as well as a poor understanding of investor expectations. Learn how to create and deliver effective pitch presentations, specifically designed for for attracting early stage investors.

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