NEWS: Selected for the Women in Capital Markets Board-Ready Directory

Pleased to announce that I have been selected for inclusion in the Women in Capital Markets Board-Ready Directory.  This directory serves as a valuable resource for Board chairs, senior leaders, and recruiters to identify women who are eminently qualified to sit on public, crown, private, and not-for profit Boards of Directors.

The purpose of this initiative is to provide a pool of qualified female candidates to encourage greater gender diversity on corporate boards in Canada.  The latest CSA Staff Review of Women on Boards and in executive officer positions found that only 14% of major Canadian Board members are women, despite regulations that were established more than a year ago.  This roster of women has successfully completed a qualification process, meeting or exceeding established criteria and well positioned to make an impact.

Women in Capital Markets’ (WCM) mission is to accelerate gender diversity across the financial industry and corporate boardrooms of Canada.  WCM is the largest network of professional women in the Canadian financial sector and the voice of advocacy for women in the industry, including all segments of capital markets and related services.

On a personal level, I’m thrilled to be part of this important group that is working to ensure that women have a seat and voice at the Board table.  Speaking as a former venture capital executive with a significant amount of governance experience, this diversity imbalance needs to be resolved and I am proud to be in a position to help make gender inequity history.

Feel free to contact me to discuss how I can contribute to your corporate board.

NEWS: Appointment to the Board of Directors of CMC-Global Institute

It’s a big world out there, and I’m pleased to announce my appointment to the Board of Directors of the CMC-Global Institute (CMC-GI), as well as to the role of Marketing Committee Chair.

CMC-GI is affiliated with CMC-Global and its purpose is to create a forum for management consultants in countries where CMC-Global does not yet have a member institute.  Consultants from anywhere in the world can become members of CMC-GI to pursue the designation of Certified Management Consultant, which I have held since 1997.  This professional designation is globally recognized, and represents an important differentiation in the advisory marketplace.  Once the country has a sufficient number of local consultants, a national institute can then be established.

Additional information about CMC-GI is available here  Thanks very much to those who supported my appointment; I’m looking forward to getting started with this exciting role!