Put Yourself to Work (Pay it Forward)

As published by CPA Canada in CareerVision

One of the things that can happen as you progress in your career is the feeling of a sense of distance from where it all started.  A few years in the corporate world can seem much longer, and as roles and responsibilities change and careers advance, it can be easy to forget what it was like back in the day, when you were sitting in that trench (oops; cubicle).  Wow; putting yourself to work, through things like professional development, volunteer opportunities, and workplace assignments, has really helped to move you forward from where you were just a few years ago.

Remember how frustrated you were when the “people at the top” didn’t seem to have any appreciation for the front line working folk?  “They don’t know how difficult it is down here!”  “It was so much easier to get ahead in their day.”  “I work like mad and no one seems to notice, much less appreciate, my efforts.”  Many people starting their careers and trying to get ahead have felt this way, and probably swore they would do things differently if given the chance.

Now that you are one of the “people at the top”, you have that chance; to take the put yourself to work attitude and pay it forward by creating the business environment that you always wanted to be a part of back when you were just starting out.  Remember that employer that you left behind because they didn’t create an environment that fostered achievement and career development?  Take a good look around and make sure that you are not contributing to creating a similar environment.  You can take steps to create a workplace that motivates staff members to perform at their best, stay engaged, and move forward.  How?  By putting yourself to work; this time, on the employer and leadership side of the equation.

Put Yourself to Work:  Pay it Forward

  • Be a learning organization: companies that encourage continuous learning through events such as workplace seminars and training not only keep their staff members up to speed, they also attract high performers who value this type of environment. Staying on top of industry, product and service, and regulatory developments not only makes good business sense, it also creates a shared responsibility to be in the know (just think, no more of that “it’s not my job to know about that” attitude).
  • Promote achievement through professional development programs: encouraging staff members to complete relevant designation programs and other types of courses and rewarding those who are successful is a great way to enhance your corporate knowledge base and motivate at the same time. Companies that fail to recognize the importance of professional development put their business at risk in terms of losing high potential staff members, as well as being less competitive in the marketplace.
  • Encourage meaningful workplace assignments: it’s often been said that education is only half of the mix, when it comes to becoming truly skilled in a particular area.  The other half of the equation is practical experience.  Workplace assignments can take the form of temporary responsibilities, special projects, cross training, and job rotation.  Whatever the approach, both the company and the staff member win: through enhanced skill, depth, and interest level.
  • Be a mentor: remember how it felt when a more senior person took an interest in you and your career development? You probably learned lessons through their experiences that you couldn’t have otherwise accessed at your current level of development.  Benefit from taking the time to be a mentor; you might just be surprised what you learn from your mentorship partner.
  • Encourage volunteerism, both internally and externally: it might be hard to believe, but there are actually people out there who don’t volunteer or even stop to think about the benefit of doing so. Translate this attitude into an organization and you can end up with a pretty uninspiring place.  Encouraging volunteerism, either through in-office campaigns or external postings not only motivates staff members, it also provides the opportunity to develop new skills, particularly in the area of leadership.  And one of the really great outcomes is that the company, the employee, and “the cause” all benefit

Congratulations, you made it!  You put yourself to work and made a number of promotions your own.  Now, you have the great privilege of creating an environment to put the next generation to work.  So, do it.

Put Yourself to Work (Mentorship Opportunities)

Published by CPA Canada in CareerVision

At times, getting ahead in the business world can be far more difficult than most would imagine.  Building this type of career requires one-part education, one-part determination, and three-parts experience (at a minimum; no wonder you feel so tired!).  But the age old “how do you get experience if you don’t have experience?” question often represents a problematic conundrum that can threaten to stop many a young business upstart in their tracks.  If only there was someone to ask; someone who could help to find doors to walk through when all you see are brick walls.  The good news is that help is available, and perhaps, only a coffee date, phone call, or text message away.  Welcome to the world of mentorship.

Mentorship is just one of the many ways to take action in building your own personal value in the business marketplace.  Thus far in this series, we have considered the benefits of in-house seminars, training, and networking, professional development opportunities, as well as work experience and assignments.  Here’s how to take an active role in making mentorship work for you.

Mentorship opportunities

Given the high experience component that is integral to building a successful business career, it’s no wonder that the concept of mentorship has fared so well in the corporate world.  Staff members who are just starting their careers or are looking to move into a new area can benefit from finding a mentor who has “been there” and “done that”.

Mentors can provide a better understanding of the requirements to move forward in a particular job or functional area and make suggestions as to how the development process could occur.  They can also be a good support when the going gets tough (and it will), as well as someone who can provide assistance to help you get back on track when needed.  Since they have been in business for a while, they can also have a great network of contacts to share, where appropriate.

Put Yourself to Work

  • The best mentorship relationships are those that are not forced or imposed upon the parties, but rather, develop naturally.
  • Places to find mentors could include people who already know you (think relatives, your parents’ friends, and neighbours who have known you for a long time and have experience in an area that is of interest to you), business or professional associations, or a more senior person in your department.
  • Take the time to get specific about where a mentor could help you the most; career planning, dealing with problematic situations, and networking assistance are all options. A bit of pre-planning can help you to get the most out a mentoring relationship.
  • Identify a convenient approach for accessing your mentor. Meeting up for a meal, coffee, or Sunday jog are all options; find what works for you so that you can develop a relationship.  Although emails and text messages can provide helpful information in a pinch, it’s a good idea to go beyond the media and spend some time face-to-face.
  • Go into the relationship with an open mind. Although you don’t have to agree with everything your mentor tells you, do take the time to give the message some thought.  Feedback should always be professional and respectful, but remember that a mentor might tell you things that others won’t (and this constructive criticism is intended to be given in the spirit of helping).  Step back and consider the source before deciding whether or not the feedback is of use.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, mentorship relationships should always respect confidentiality, in terms of the information shared and the arrangement, in general. When seeking guidance, no one wants to feel like their privacy has been violated.
  • If you are unsure or uncomfortable with the advice you are getting or if you just don’t feel that relationship “click”, consider finding another mentor. It’s not uncommon for a mentor to provide guidance in a particular area, and once the issue passes, you may need to tap into a different kind of expertise.
  • A more “passive” approach to mentorship can be achieved by working hard and getting noticed by senior staff members, both in your current department and in those you might work in temporarily. Learn from their example and knowledge and use it to build your own skills.
  • Plan to give back. Learn from the relationship so that you can take on the role of mentor to a more junior person (perhaps, a student that is just starting out) or at some point in the future.

One of the exciting things about mentorship is that it’s a two way street; mentors can also learn from those they mentor.  Tapping into the expertise of someone whose experience is beyond that of your own can help you to gain skills and insights that you don’t have (or wouldn’t have) at your current level of development.  This benefit can, in fact, create the opportunity to make real progress, at a rate much quicker than that of your peer group.  That’s worth the time and effort.